School Holidays South Kalimantan 2033-2034 [Academic Calendar South Kalimantan 2033-2034]

The list of 2033-2034 South Kalimantan School Holidays 2033-2034 has been announced for the all Schools of South Kalimantan. It enables them to plan according to the listed 2033-2034 School holiday dates for making their travel. South Kalimantan School Calendar 2033-2034 Indonesia, depicts the 2033-2034 list of all type of holidays. The respective education departments had fixed, the previous year, sixteen national holidays with eight shared holidays for 2033-2034. Through this 2033-2034 South Kalimantan School calendar 2033-2034, it may be seen that 2033-2034 school holiday schedule for adopting public and shared holidays was published.

School Holidays South Kalimantan 2033-2034

School Holidays Starts Finishes Year
First Day of School 15 Jul 2033(Fri) - 2033-2034
Semester 1 Holidays 23 Dec 2033(Fri) 04 Jan 2034(Tue) 2033-2034
Semester 2 Holidays 15 Jun 2034(Wed) 27 Jun 2034(Mon) 2033-2034
Year End Holidays 29 Jun 2034(Wed) 11 Jul 2034(Mon) 2033-2034

This pages has covered all 2033-2034 South Kalimantan School Schedule in the above table. South Kalimantan School Holidays 2033-2034 include quite a number of important 2033-2034 holidays, like New Year’s Day or Tahun Baru Masehi, Chinese New Year or Tahun Baru Imlek. Other holidays are, The Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad, South Kalimantan Hindu New Year. In April, important holidays are, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. In May, Labour Day is observed.

Summer Holiday South Kalimantan 2033-2034

Cuti Bersama or Joint holiday can be availed during the end of May, count as a South Kalimantan School Holiday in 2033-2034. During the third week of May, Idul Fitri is observed, which depicts the conclusion of Ramadan. Other 2033-2034 South Kalimantan School Holidays include Birthday of Pancasia, Eid al-Adha or Festival of the Sacrifice, Indonesian Independence Day, Muharram, and Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday. In November and December, important holidays include Diwali, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. These important festivals are also count in 2033-2034 South Kalimantan School Holidays.

Academic Calendar South Kalimantan 2033-2034

South Kalimantan School Calendar 2033-2034 available here in printable format. School Holidays of South Kalimantan are also observed as important holidays by the people of South Kalimantan in 2033-2034. It is vital to note that Hari Gulungan and Hari Kuningan are specific holidays in 2033-2034, followed only in South Kalimantan. As a part of South Kalimantan events 2033-2034, people can enjoy several artistic festivals in 2033-2034. They relate to music and sports, arts and culture and literary events. South Kalimantan government School holidays 2033-2034 and South Kalimantan Private School holidays, are followed by all Schools of South Kalimantan.